9 Little-known Facts About CBD
CBD’s rise in popularity can be felt through the many different ways it’s consumed these days—from the common and convenient way of taking CBD capsules to mixing it with your everyday meals.
The increasing widespread acceptance of CBD can be attributed in part to the growing knowledge of its health and wellness benefits. Whether it’s chronic pain relief or anxiety reduction, several studies have shown how CBD can help improve people’s health, and that has led to a more interested and educated consumer audience.
However, there is still a lot to be learned about this fantastic chemical compound produced by the cannabis plant. Here are nine facts that even regular CBD users might not even know:
1. Early Humans Cultivated Hemp
CBD may have only caught on in recent times, but hemp (the cannabis plant variety most CBD products are derived from) has been used by humans dating back to ancient times.
The earliest recorded history of hemp use was in 8,000 BCE in what is now modern-day Taiwan. The plant was used for its fibres to make cords in pottery. In 6,000 BCE, China also made use of hemp seeds and oil as food.
2. Ancient Greeks Used Medical Cannabis
Modern society owes a lot to the scientific advances made by the ancient Greeks. It comes then as no surprise that this much celebrated civilisation was already taking advantage of the medicinal qualities of cannabis.
Pedanius Dioscorides, a Greek doctor for the Roman army, documented his findings on the cannabis plant in his seminal book De materia medica. The great Greek physician Claudius Galen, meanwhile, prescribed cannabis to his patients to aid in pain relief, which is indicative of CBD’s effectiveness.
3. Queen Victoria Took Cannabis Tinctures
It wasn’t too long ago when the UK was just coming to grips with CBD being a viable product for legal medicinal use. However, medical cannabis was already used at the country’s highest seat of power over a hundred years ago.
Her Royal Majesty Queen Victoria suffered from painful menstrual cramps. To ease her monthly malady, her private physician Sir J. Russell Reynolds administered cannabis. She took it in concentrated liquid form, much like how CBD is commonly used today as tinctures.
4. Hemp Can Be Used to Make Meat Substitutes
Veggie burgers and vegan steaks are delicious alternatives to meat that just about anyone can enjoy no matter their health and lifestyle preferences. Tofu is generally one of the more popular choices for creating such dishes, but the latest breakthrough in meat substitutes comes from the world of CBD.
New Zealand-based food manufacturer Sustainable Foods has developed the first ever meat substitutes using hemp from medicinal cannabis manufacturer Greenfern Industries. The partnership will yield hemp-based meat products such as burgers and sausages with the health benefits that come from eating hemp, which is a great source of dietary fibre, healthy fatty acids, and micronutrients. You can look forward to munching on this nutritious and delectable hemp burger in 2021.
5. CBD Can Be Used for Sexual Wellness and Intimacy
A healthy sex life can contribute greatly to one’s overall wellness, so it shouldn’t be surprising that CBD is now also being explored as a means to help partners enjoy intimate moments better.
Playboy, the storied men’s lifestyle and entertainment publication, has recently entered the market with their CBD products that can improve sexual experiences. Called CBD by Playboy, the product line includes a warming gel made with a CBD-based powder, an arousal spray containing hemp oil, and a bath bomb also made with hemp oil.
6. CBD Can Be Beneficial to Pets
CBD works on humans because our bodies have an endocannabinoid system that processes the compound. We share this biological feature with other mammals, including cats and dogs. It’s not at all a great leap in logic to reason that such animals can also benefit from CBD when used properly.
In fact, the 2017 WHO report on CBD brought up tests showing how CBD is safe for animals. Further studies have since shown that the compound can actually help dogs. Dogs with osteoarthritis experienced an increase in activity and decrease in pain after taking a dose of CBD in a 2018 study from Frontiers of Veterinary Science. A 2019 study from the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association discovered that CBD can reduce seizure frequency in dogs with epilepsy.
Pop culture is catching on, as home and lifestyle guru Martha Stewart has launched her own line of CBD products that will soon be catering to pets as well.
7. CBD Might Help With Alcohol Addiction Recovery
There have already been studies on CBD helping those who struggle with addiction in general, but its potential therapeutic effects on addiction don’t stop with the psychological aspects.
The Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior journal published a study on CBD’s use specifically for treating patients who suffered from brain damage due to alcohol abuse. It achieved positive results when CBD was applied and absorbed through the skin, leading to a 48.8% reduction in neurodegeneration.
Recovering from addiction is both a mental and physical issue. People who may have quit the habit can still deal with more limited cognitive functions, so this line of research can further help improve the quality of life for those who are in recovery.
8. CBD Might Be Helpful Against Cancer
Cancer has long plagued humankind with its various debilitating and deadly forms. There have also been numerous treatments to combat cancer, and thankfully, another method is looking to join the fight.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) in the US has done plenty of research into CBD’s potential role in treating cancer. From their studies, the organisation believes cannabidiol can help treat symptoms associated with cancer. The NCI is also looking at the possibility that CBD might have certain properties that can kill tumor cells, particularly those created by carcinoma and breast cancer.
9. CBD Might Be Helpful Against COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic has changed the world. Vaccines are rapidly being developed to put an end to its spread. For now, we have to make do with helping those who have contracted it to ease their road towards healing. The latest research in CBD is looking promising for its ability to diminish the severity of lung conditions brought on by COVID-19.
Researchers from the University of Lethbridge in Canada have preliminary findings that increased CBD levels could help keep the immune system from ramping up and developing acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which happens when the lungs get infected. ARDS typically results in having to place a patient on a ventilator.
It’s important to note that current CBD products cannot immunise you from COVID-19 or treat the condition.
Know More About CBD
Whether you are a complete newbie or have been an avid consumer, there is still more to discover about the wonderful world of CBD. The industry is relatively young, and studies are constantly being done to unearth cannabidiol’s potentials. Stay informed with trending CBD developments and know which products can improve your daily living.